Convert your iPad WiFi into iPad 3G sans GPS

Did you regret on purchasing iPad WiFi and do you feel left out when you are not in WiFi hotspot. Ya, I too have the same feeling as I was one of the early adopter and at that time only iPad WiFi was available.Here I will be discussing about three different ways to convert your iPad WiFi into 3G enabled iPad. Continue reading “Convert your iPad WiFi into iPad 3G sans GPS”

How to install Android 2.2 (Froyo) on your iPhone

iPhone, the only phone I have  been using for 2 years and will use it in future also. I have never used an android before and don’t understand why it’s after iOS and all the hype surrounded to it, so enough is enough I decided to try out Android before purchasing any Android device. Continue reading “How to install Android 2.2 (Froyo) on your iPhone”

Review: iPad cases from Speck

The first thing that makes Apple products stand out of the crowd, is it’s aesthetic design and elementary looks and that what makes Apple fan boys like us to show off our latest purchase. But the simple problem that lies with all the shiny gadgets in the world that it easily get scratched and smudges seems to swim all over it in no time and Apple products are no exceptions here. Exactly same thing happened, I got my shiny new iPad and within hours it’s oleophobic screen was full of smudges, I found a lint free cloth on old spectacle box and used it to clean the screen and with little force I had my first scratch on my iPad. Not only me, we have received hundreds and hundreds of mails from many early adopters asking us to suggest them a iPad case cover and even those who don’t have iPad and feels this post is not for you, I must warn you are missing something. Continue reading “Review: iPad cases from Speck”

Jailbreak and Unlock iOS 4.0

Excited, downloaded and installed, yes I am talking about iOS 4.0 night(IST). So yesterday was the day you did this big download and has started enjoying 100 of new features on your Apple devices. Some might have stayed away from this update fearing, they might loose their jailbreak and the device will get locked. Your fear is over all thanks to iPhone Jailbreak team, they have launched their tools within 8 hrs of launch of new iOS.

Note: This only works on iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G as of now.

Step 1: If you have iPhone/iPod Touch running OS 3.13(not jailbroken) upgrade to new iOS 4.0.

Step 2: Download redsn0w beta ( This is still a beta version)

Step 3: Open redsn0w and select the iOS 4.0 IPSW that you used to upgrade your iPhone/iPod Touch

Continue reading “Jailbreak and Unlock iOS 4.0”

Review of Official IPL iPhone App

IPL is the biggest thing to happen in India, and this year it is gonna rock more with IPL back in India and tie-ups with Google, MiMobi, Live Current Media Inc and others showing IPL allying towards technology. Even Lalit Modi tweets all through the day and in one of his tweet he anounced

Watch out for itunes apps and android and blackberry apps. All coming soon for ipl.

And after the wait IPL App for iPhone has been landed, I took quite a time to look over this App and my review is based on how the App worked on 1st match of IPL season 3.


The App has a plain bland look, with only use simple black and gray colors, the UI of the App is not so happening and looks boring. Though nothing new is expected from App made by Indian designers, though it is ok. The Apps starts with Signup screen which is mandatory in order to use the App, after signing up a password is mailed to Inbox, then after logging in you can start using the App.

Continue reading “Review of Official IPL iPhone App”

Airlock Secure your Mac via iPhone

How will you react when you see your Mac is been used by someone, when you went to pay  the bill or to toilet in a coffee shop, yes this will really frustrate you and for corporates it is like peeing on your bosses trousers. So you always have a option to set your Mac to ask you password after little inactivity, but what happens when you forget your own password, the answer is you are fired. Continue reading “Airlock Secure your Mac via iPhone”

iPhone Apps that you need to have before 2010

This is the post I have been waiting to write for a month, after continuously reviewing so many Apps throughout the year, I have tried my best to  summarize and bring you the must have Apps(here Apps by default means iPhone Apps).

I will not be categorizing any Apps and I will also give a alternative if possible. I am also avoiding any description as these are few selected Apps you should not require any description, you just need to fire up iTunes and get these.

1) Print & Share

Continue reading “iPhone Apps that you need to have before 2010”

Review: Sygic Mobile Maps India a Turn by Turn Navigation App for iPhone

iPhone was never a perfect navigational device, though it has Maps App but it hardly solved the purpose, it just shows your current position and roughly calculates distance between point A and B. The scenario increased a little on iPhone world, with release iPhone OS 3.0 and biggies like TomTom, Sygic etc. launched there turn by turn navigational App for iPhone. But to hail the maps were only limited to US, Canada and Australia .After so much wait now we have a hope here, Sygic has launched a full blown turn by turn navigational App for iPhone with maps of India.

sygic-mobilemapsindia Continue reading “Review: Sygic Mobile Maps India a Turn by Turn Navigation App for iPhone”

Outside iPhone App: The Preview

After the developers were unsatisfied with iPhone’s Default weather App, they tried to built there own and till now I have not been satisfied with any one. What makes a iPhone App successful is a better UI, it’s usefulness and exploitation of total potential of iPhone’s hardware. Here comes the “Outside” the first App from the Robocat stable.

Outside iPhone

Outside gathers local weather data and presents them to you through a stylized window in your iPhone or iPod Touch. You can watch the current weather or swipe to see tomorrows forecast all from the cosy windows of this little universe.  Outside marries current weather and local forecasts with custom push notifications. Look out the window and see what the weather is like through stunning visuals. Swipe to see the forecast or setup and receive alerts when the weather is just right. Here is the teaser of the App. Continue reading “Outside iPhone App: The Preview”

Back to College ? You have an iPhone App for that

This is the month, when college and universities all over the world get started for new semester, and being a student, it is quite difficult to adjust after a large break.

Here’s where iStudiez Pro [iTunes Link] comes in, created by Andriy Kachalo and Michael Balashoff, iStudiez Pro is designed to help you take charge of your own schedule by always keeping you on top of where you need to be and what needs to get done. With an intuitive interface, the application promises to make sure “you never miss another course, lecture, and lab, track tasks and deadlines, plan homework, arrange assignments and much more.”

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remotePC brings RemoteDesktop to your iPhone

Want to access & share files from remote PC, you have an Web App for that. Yes, now you can use almighty godly iPhone to access & share contents from and on your PC. You must have earlier heard about many Apps which can be used to control your PC/Mac via iPhone remotely like RemotePad, Air Mouse Pro etc..

Now you can also use your iPhone to do more than just remote controlling your system, now you can access & share files, here where RemotePC Lite comes on. RemotePC Lite is a secure and simple way to view and share files, folders and photos via any browser or using a hand held device like iPhone. You can also upload files to the remote computer and download any file enabled for remote access.

ip Continue reading “remotePC brings RemoteDesktop to your iPhone”

iPhone Homescreens of Tech Geeks

So, you have got yourself a new iPod Touch/iPhone and you are now in dilemma to keep which iPhone Apps in the home screen. Ya, this happened to me also, when my iPhone was full of Apps & I had to make a decision which are the most useful. But, have you ever wondered to know what are the iPhone home screen’s of the very famous talented designers, developers & tech writers ?


Continue reading “iPhone Homescreens of Tech Geeks”
